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The importance of a correct posture

The importance of a correct posture

 A conscious and prepared running style allows you to maximize benefits in terms of both mental and physical  well being: if your posture is correct, you can prevent muscles and joints from extreme fatigue and injuries. 

In order to stop running on an instinct-mood base and set the style of a technically correct running posture, you need discipline, practice and (at least at the beginning) concentration.

Find your own stride!

Focusing on a stride proportional to your lenght's legs is indeed a successful method: an eccessive push ahead or uplift only squander precious energies. Try different strides while you run and find the one which fits you better.

Head, shoulders, torso: one, two, three

Look ahead and avoid swinging. Keep your shoulders in a natural position and try to release tense from muscles. It is a good habit to slightly push out forward to ease your progress. 

What about your arms?

Let your arms flow as much as possible: imagine to draw a rough right angle arm with forearm and arm. Keep your hands slightly open and relaxed.

Start running with the right foot: go natural!

As a general rule, feet should impact the ground upright. A great number of runners tend to adopt a different stride, which focus more on forefeet or heel: this attitude sometimes depends on the kind of training but also on the type of shoes you choose.

We will focus on this in the posts to come and we will pay a special attention to trail running, a technique which involves the foothold on the very centre. 

Trail running is growing more and more success mostly because it helps differentiate training sessions.

Now, all you have to do is put yourself to test and find your perfect pace!


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