Running with diabetes: why you shouldn't let it stop you

If you are reading this post, diabetes has sprang someway in your life: perhaps you recently discovered to be diabetic or somebody in your family or your running mate is affected by this chronic desease.

Even if proper nutrition and medical treatment are the first concerns, that doesn't means workout has to be neglected.

No more "Farewell to arms". Today, both prevention and adequate treatment for diabetes - more and more widespread all over the western countries- endorse sport as an invaluable ally,almost as important as a proper focused diet.


Whether you discover to be diabetic or presume to notice diabetes'symptoms ( fatigue, weight-loss, excessive thirst, increased urination) first thing to do is visiting your diabetologist and talk about  the matter, especially if you don't want to hang up your running shoes. 


 •Set the most accurate training plan with your practitioner, basing on your conditions, skills and habits.

• Set a training program focused on your desired target 

• Think about realistic goals you can achieve step by step 

• Check out some parameters - basic to support motivation ( weight, HB, aerobics ability test) 

•  Be proactive and start self-help actions: look for support in your family and friends and join a running crew

• Learn to measure blood sugar level.

• Get familiar when handling stripes to measure blood sugar level and learn to read and understand results.

• It may be useful to keep a diary to daily record how much and what you eat, training and calories consumption.

• lern to manage hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia (that means eating correctly before and after running) 

•Measure blood sugar level before and after running (also in between if you train more than 90') to avoid tardive glycemia.


To diabetics aminoacids, creatine, carnitine and anabolic steroids are extremely dangerous.

To avoid hypoglycemia, choose snacks, better in water-based solution (Gatorade or fruit juice), but don't forget to hydrate yourself drinking a good amount of water ( 300 ml 2 hours before your training and 250 ml every 20-30' if you workout).  If you are a long distance runner, maltodextrines are recommended.


It's really important not to neglect any slight lacerations, callus, mycosis and ingrowing toe-nails: as a matter of fact, they can develop ulcer, infections and, in the worst scenario, toes amputation.

Diabetic foot is perhaps one of the most concerning issues about this chronic disease. For this reason, a monthly professional pedicure is strongly recommended, especially if running is a regular acitivity. Also, choosing the ideal running shoes is a crucial step, but this part involves the whole category of runners. 


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